
"Stop - enjoy your sunsets and sunrises its free"

Caras World

Florida, United States
Life Laugh Love Life

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My College Success Story via the UCF website

My story written for UCF under Success Stories.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thank You Veterans. Poem By Robert Parker JR 11-2008

Thank you Veterans

Civilians scatter,
They’re filled with fear;
But it does not matter,
Our soldiers are here.

The brave men come
With lives in danger,
And for some
They will meet their maker.

They crossed the ocean
To a faraway land,
And in one motion
Be taken by another's hand.

We honor those men,
And the ones who survived
Also the women
Who lived and died.

So thank you veterans
Both young and old
May your friends be in heaven
With spirits so bright and bold.

-RJ Parker
— with Robert Parker (Born July 1995 Ft. Hood, Texas

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The start to my bucket list!!! :-)

Bucket list- A Constant List of things.......

-Go to Ireland
-Ride a horse again
✔️Run a 5k 
-Run a half marathon
-Be a professor/teacher when I retire
-✔️Take my son to New York City
-Watch a Broadway show in NY
-Go white water rafting
-Go on an Alaskan cruise
✔️-Go on a road trip with no apparrent destination
-Go Volunteer at camp boggy creek for a week
✔️-See my list of favorites in concert
-Learn to ride a motorcycle and own one
-Move somewhere just because I want to and not cause I have to
-Spend Xmas in a mountain cabin
-Take RJ on a true vacation
-Go on a mission in another country to work with kids.
-Create  an organization that uses the Arts to heal those who have suffered from some form of abuse/trauma
-Live in a big major city
-Write a book on perseverance and strength 
-Be a fitness/health inspiration for others
-✔️finish my tattoo back piece and have my art on me forever